QuizTalk and Meta-Airline join NFT

QuizTalk and Meta-Airline join NFT

QuizTalk and Meta-Airline announced today, December 12th, that they would form an NFT strategic cooperation to create varied NFT content.

The collaboration intends to secure NFT content for both organizations' platforms while diversifying NFT markets at home and overseas.

QuizTalk Co., Ltd. has expanded its NS home shopping and live commerce market and recently conducted a quiz show at Ifland, a metaverse service provided by SK Telecom.

QuizTalk's token, QTCON, was listed as a global exchange on the three largest domestic exchanges, Bithumb, Upbit, Coinone, and Gate.io. "QUIZTOK," QuizTalk's platform, has around 780 million cumulative quiz answers, 1.32 million quizzes, and 700,000 downloads.

Quiz Talk can win points for every correct answer, and the questioner can also get incentives. There is also a quiz curator, which is a mechanism for delivering quizzes to one's followers. Advertisers must obtain and use QuizTalk tokens when advertising on QuizTalk.

Meta-Airline is a travel NFT membership initiative that allows you to purchase tickets using your MAL-SCAN platform. META-AIRLINE also accepts reservations for golf courses, golf course-linked hotels, and resorts.


Beginning with a commercial collaboration with KOSDAQ company TOBEMETA, Meta-Airline co-produced the film "Hot Blood" NFT with Dow technology group KOSPI-listed companies and KIDARI-STUDIO and was picked as an unusual booth at the COEX money exhibition in April.


Even though the NFT market has stalled, the NFT market perceives it as an industry with limited growth potential, similar to the early Bitcoin market, and has stated that it will swiftly spread the QTCON ecosystem to the NFT ecosystem.

As a result, QTCON met with Meta-Airline to plan various collaborations and stated that the collaboration would be revealed in August.

Regarding the collaboration, Kim Ho-Jae, CEO of Meta-Airline, stated that he would ensure market diversity by exchanging varied content with QuizTalk from the start, not the finish.

He compared the NFT market to the virtual asset market in 2014, describing it as a new market that has yet to be established by various services such as asking price transaction systems, futures, loans, and Defi.