Turkey at a crossroads: Should Turkey stay in the EU, or go its own way? - FinanceTody

Turkey at a crossroads: Should Turkey stay in the EU, or go its own way? - FinanceTody

Turkey has been a candidate for membership in the European Union since 1999, but the accession talks have stalled in recent years. This is due to a number of factors, including Turkey's human rights record, its relations with Greece and Cyprus, and its growing authoritarianism under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

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As a result, Turkey is now at a crossroads. Should it stay in the EU, or go its own way?

Arguments for Turkey staying in the EU

There are a number of arguments for Turkey staying in the EU. First, the EU is Turkey's largest trading partner. Membership in the EU would give Turkish businesses access to the single market and customs union, which would boost the Turkish economy.

Second, the EU would provide Turkey with much-needed investment and development assistance. Third, membership in the EU would help to strengthen Turkey's democracy and human rights record.

Arguments for Turkey leaving the EU

There are also a number of arguments for Turkey leaving the EU. First, the accession talks have been stalled for many years, and there is no clear end in sight. Second, Turkey feels that it is not being treated with respect by the EU.

Third, Turkey has a growing economy and a strong military, and it believes that it can do well on its own, without the EU.

What does the future hold for Turkey-EU relations?

It is difficult to say what the future holds for Turkey-EU relations. It is possible that Turkey will eventually become a member of the EU, but it is also possible that it will decide to leave the bloc.

If Turkey does leave the EU, it will have a significant impact on both Turkey and the EU. Turkey would lose access to the single market and customs union, which would damage its economy. The country would also lose out on billions of euros in EU funding.

For the EU, losing Turkey would be a blow to its security and stability. Turkey is a key ally in the fight against terrorism and migration. It is also a strategically important country, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.


The decision of whether or not to stay in the EU is a difficult one for Turkey. There are strong arguments on both sides. Ultimately, the decision will be made by the Turkish people.